Tuesday, April 28, 2009


No, I do not believe that in our day and age someone can get away with murder. ­First, there is the scientific evidence that can now easily prove who the true murderer is. In t­he last few years, DNA evidence has played a major role in many nations' criminal justice system­s. It has been used to prove­ that suspects were involved in crimes and to also free ­people who were wrongly convicted. Many murder suspects who thought they were free have been brought to justice and tried for their crimes, sometimes many years after the fact. There is also an advanced forensic technology technique which can identify fingerprints on metal casing- including bullets and bombs. Criminal investigation bureaus are becoming more sophisticated in tracking down these criminals. Even if a murderer had not been caught or been found not guilty in a trial, there is always a future chance of them being found out because of advances in forensic science.

As in Edgar Allan Poe’s short story, The Tell-Tale Heart, and William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, we can see that murderers can sometimes get away with their crime in the eyes of the law but their conscience will not allow it. There are other eyes following and haunting them because of the murder that was wrongfully committed. Many murderers are so wracked with guilt and remorse that they eventually “crack”, spilling the details to clear their conscience one way or another. I cannot imagine committing a murder and hoping to live a normal life afterwards. Would you ever trust anyone? Would you ever get a good night’s sleep? How would you cope? The psychological implications are neverending.

Therefore I believe that no one in our day and age can absolutely get away with murder. If the police don’t find you, your conscience will punish you and you’ll never be free of your crime.

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